My Blog


Thursday, April 25, 2013


I really hate Verizon. I hate their upgrade fees, their bullshit surcharges, their horrible service, and just about everything about them. They are the greediest, most evil cell phone provider in the world.

Those "unlimited data" plans we were supposed to be grandfathered into are getting phased out. So even if we already have the plan, we will be losing them. Now they charge $30 to upgrade to a new phone, for a bullshit reason that no one can understand.

Verizon is terrible. Absolutely terrible. And that's why, when this contract runs out, I'm going over to sprint or t-mobile, because fewer people complain about them.

I really hate cell providers.


  1. I worked for that awesome corporation known as VZW for 3 years a manager of the technician department. Never ever have i come closer to wanting to become immediately deceased than that period of what i call life. VZW treats it's employees as nothing but a number. Tattoo it on my wrist. Yeah right. I was making a decent amount of bovine product, but their demands were fucking rediculous. I summarily quit one day. Told a higher up to go get fucked and stop asking me to justify your purchase of japan/Korean products you have not waited until perfected. All in the name of product life cycle. Yes. Leave those biotches! Their network is superior, but their business practices are way beyond shady. I won't give them a fucking dime. Trust me, i know. But the competition is not much better. It is a dog eat dog world. But fuck vz dub :)

  2. I personally use Boost Mobile. They run off Sprint's CDMA network. I pay now 40 a month for unlimited whatever, and so long as i am not in the stix, i have adequate service. Just a thought for ya. I can't imagine any part of Staten would reside in the stix
