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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Interview with Erin Latimer, also known as the Sheep Goddess.

Very special post today. I have the privilege of interviewing the lovely Erin Latimer, one of the coolest writers on Wattpad. She is known for her snazzy, upbeat writing, fast updates, and loyalty to her fans. It is an honor to be asking her these questions. Check her out on Wattpad here (

Question #1: So, Erin, one of the things I’ve wondered is how did your family react to the news that you had acquired an agent. Were they psyched up? Ecstatic?

Answer #1: My family was awesome! They had to hear about it the entire time I was sending out query letters, so they knew how hard it was. When I called them and told them the news they were nearly as excited as I was! 

Question #2: What did it feel like the first time someone ever commented and praised your story on Wattpad?

Answer #2: It was a pretty good feeling. I first posted a manuscript that had been rejected quite a few times, so hearing that someone actually really liked it was a huge deal for me.

Question #3: Have you ever received a comment that hurt your feelings? If so, how did you cope with it?

Answer #3: Hah. Oh boy. That's a resounding yes. Most of the comments I get on wattpad are lovely, or at least constructive. But occasionally I'll get someone who's clearly doing a sort of drive-by smack down. It's all about your own attitude though. You can't let it take up space in your head. You can't devote time or energy to that person. It's not worth it. This is something I'm still slowly learning.

Question #4: If you could have two characters from different stories meet each other (your own stories, of course) which two would they be—and would they get along?

Answer #4: That's a fantastic question. Let's see...I think probably I'd like to see Alice (from the Alice Cunningham series) meet up with Jess (from Fire). I think they'd hate one another. Shenanigans would follow.

Question #5: Is it true you refer to your agent, as Agentpants?

Answer #5:I can neither confirm nor deny that.

Question #6: So, you’ve got a Frost and a Fire—if you had to write a book about a third element, what would it be?
Answer #6:In the Jotun series? There WILL be another element, but I'm not telling, because it's a surprise (it happens sort of accidentally). But just in general? I think having power over the wind would be pretty cool.

Question #7: Has a sad scene you’ve ever written brought moisture or tears to your eyes, despite the fact that you wrote it.
Answer #7:Absolutely. I've just written the first book in a series (not on wattpad) and I know that in a later book I'm going to have to kill off a character I absolutely love. I'm already sad about it.

Question #8: Do you ever feel like you don’t actually have control over your characters—like they do what they want, and you’re forced to watch the consequences unfold in either joy or horror—or both.

Answer #8:Hmm, interesting question. I've heard other authors say this happens to them. I think for my first draft I'm sort of getting to know the character. Then, by the time I edit it the second time I know the character would never do or say certain things, and I have to fix it. So I think it's not so much uncontrollable characters, as it is me getting to know them. (Hah. Writers all sound crazy, don't we?)

Question #9: *This question comes from Maja D Jørgensen* (No, that isn’t a cosine, this has nothing to do with math)

Maja asks, “Which of your characters do you identify with the most?”

Answer #9:Well "I Am Anastasia" was a total author self -insertion, since it's about a girl struggling to get published. It's a bit embarrassing, but there it is.

Question #10: If you had to choose between winning a lottery ticket worth one billion dollars, or being a successful writer who makes just enough money to be comfortable, what would you choose? 

Answer #10:That's not even a question for me. There is no amount of money that could make me pass up the idea of making a living off my writing and doing it full time.

Question #11: Do you plan to write a story about Smushy Sheep? 
Answer #11:I think if I did, Smushy Sheep would probably try to sue me. He's grouchy like that.


  1. This was quite interesting, and funny, but then again given the source it had to be. Got to love Erin L.
    From one writer to another
